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The summit is calling: Let’s ascend together and reach new heights!

We are by your side on the steep path to busi­ness success!

AlpinumLaw guides tech­nology-driven compa­nies and projects from the foun­da­tion throughout the entire company journey.

Your success behind the scenes

A as start-up or SME, you’re prob­ably familiar with the …

  • Legal and Compli­ance Risks: Lots of ideas, but you’re strug­gling to prop­erly assess legal and compli­ance risks.
  • Rapid growth and lack of expe­ri­ence: Growing compa­nies face the chal­lenge of expanding quickly, but there’s limited time to adjust their legal and compli­ance struc­tures accordingly.
  • Cost effi­ciency: Legal expenses can be a signif­i­cant finan­cial burden on your company, espe­cially if you have limited resources. 

It doesn’t have to be this way!

Sie bekommen in der AlpinumLaw AG Ihren persön­lichen Berater für Ihr Unternehmen und Ihre Projekte.

AlpinumLaw Rechtsanwälte AG, Fabio Leonini


You gain the exper­tise of expe­ri­enced legal consul­tants with sound know how in tech­nology, law and busi­ness devel­op­ment. We under­stand your issues not only in a legal context!

We offer you flex­ible, customized and quick access to our expertise.

We ensure trans­parent and fair pricing, so you have a clear under­standing of what to expect and won’t encounter any unpleasant surprises.

We are more than just lawyers – we iden­tify ourselves with your busi­ness, support you on equal terms, and passion­ately work towards your success.

Our team is your team!


years of


satis­fied clients


team members

Our part­ners

Any ques­tions left?

Contact us for more information

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