Rolf W. Guenter

Rolf W. Guenter Alpinum Law

Rolf W. Guenter is an Attorney-at-Law and holds an Exec­u­tive MBA from the Univer­sity of Rochester (New York) and the Univer­sity of Bern. He is a member of the Board of Direc­tors of Inacta Group Ltd. and Managing Partner and Chairman of the Board of AlpinumLaw Ltd..

Rolf is a Tech­Lawyer, entre­pre­neur, consul­tant and board member in various SMEs and star­tups. In his consulting work, he focuses on techlaw (Blockchain and Web3), finan­cial markets law, and corpo­rate and contract law.

He worked as a director in the insur­ance industry in Switzer­land for more than 16 years and has a long expe­ri­ence as a CEO in SMEs and in manage­ment posi­tions in corporations.

For many years, he has worked at the inter­sec­tion of economics, tech­nolo­gies, and law/​compliance and has an in-depth knowl­edge of tech­nology-related busi­ness models and ecosystems.

Fabio Leonini

Fabio Leonini Alpinum Law

Fabio Leonini ist Recht­san­walt und hat einen LLM der Humboldt-Univer­sität (Berlin). Er ist ein Partner bei AlpinumLaw Ltd.

Fabio is a Lawyer whose focus is techlaw (Blockchain and Web3), finan­cial markets law, corpo­rate and contract law, and employ­ment law.

He worked for more than 8 years as an asso­ciate in various legal firms in Geneva and Zurich. His main activity focused on corpo­rate and contract law, employ­ment law, data privacy, and crim­inal law (white-collar crime).

Fabio speaks and writes fluently in German, English, French and Italian.

Patrick Schö­nen­berger

Patrick Schoenenberger Alpinum Law

Patrick Schö­nen­berger is a Senior Legal Counsel at AlpinumLaw. He special­izes in general corpo­rate law and commer­cial contracts and regu­la­tory matters related to tech­nology as well as data protec­tion. In addi­tion, he advises Swiss and inter­na­tional start-ups, estab­lished corpo­ra­tions, and investors in the area of venture capital.

Patrick completed his studies at the Univer­sity of Fribourg in 2015 and earned a degree in transna­tional law from the Center for Transna­tional Legal Studies (George­town Univer­sity, 2013). Patrick has been admitted to the Zurich Bar since 2018.

Previ­ously in his career, Patrick gained expe­ri­ence at with the media rights depart­ment of Sportradar AG in St-Gallen and the Swiss Federal Office of Sports in Magglingen. Before joining AlpinumLaw, Patrick worked for several commer­cial law firms in Zurich where he gained expe­ri­ence in commer­cial litigation/​arbitration, bank­ruptcy proceed­ings, white collar crime and contract law.

Patrick’s profes­sional languages are German, English and French. He is also fluent in Spanish and has basic command of Portuguese.

Marie Hennecke

Marie Heinecke Alpinum Law

Marie Hennecke is a law student with a bilin­gual baccalau­reate in English and German. As part of her bachelor’s thesis, she addressed the topic of blockchain in medi­cine with a focus on health-related docu­ments in the blockchain from the perspec­tive of docu­men­tary offenses.

She is about to complete her Bachelor’s degree in Law at the Univer­sity of Zurich and has already started taking Master’s modules.

In her current role at AlpinumLaw, Marie works as a legal assis­tant and focuses on TechLaw and data protec­tion. She strives to further develop her legal skills and knowl­edge in these emerging areas of law.

Dr. Rudolf Rein­hard Müeller

Ruedi Müller Alpinum Law

Rudolf Müller is an expe­ri­enced lawyer and finan­cial expert.

He holds a Dr. oec. HSG and started his career in a Zurich busi­ness law firm. Later, he worked as a strategy consul­tant at Boston Consulting and, from 2004, headed the Compli­ance Invest­ment Banking und Legal Finan­cial Prod­ucts depart­ments at a Swiss private bank.

He later served as General Counsel at the Swiss subsidiary of Russia’s largest bank before joining GenTwo, a FinTech company in Zurich, as General Counsel in Octorber 2021.

Addi­tion­ally, he is Off-Counsel at AlpinumLaw, providing support in the areas of banking, finan­cial inter­me­di­aries, invest­ment prod­ucts and finan­cial market transactions.

Roman Werder

Roman Werder ist Senior Legal Counsel bei der AlpinumLaw AG und Group Legal Counsel der Inacta Gruppe.

In seiner Beratungstätigkeit fokussiert sich Roman haupt­säch­lich auf gesellschafts- und vertragsrechtliche Themen­bere­iche. Roman schloss 2004 sein Studium an der Univer­sität Zürich ab und ist seit 2007 als Recht­san­walt zugelassen.

Als früherer Mitar­beiter bei verschiedenen Big4-Unternehmen hat Roman langjährige Erfahrung in der Beratung von national und inter­na­tional operierenden Unternehmensgruppen.