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Who are we?

We are a team

of expe­ri­enced legal and busi­ness consul­tants with profound legal, tech­no­log­ical, and economic expertise.

Tech­nology is our fascination

Our focus lies at the inter­sec­tions of legal/​compliance, busi­ness models, and technology.

Blockchain tech­nology

 and its appli­ca­tions and chal­lenges in the Web3 world – that’s where our exper­tise lies.

Who we are

We are closely connected to inter­dis­ci­pli­nary special­ists who we involve based on our clients’ needs.

We under­stand our clients’ busi­ness model because we are passionate about it and iden­tify with it.

We don’t see ourselves “just” as lawyer; we are also risk managers, spar­ring part­ners, problem solvers, connec­tors, and inno­v­a­tive thinkers, aiming for a lasting, sustain­able client relationship.

We iden­tify with and think along and beyond!

When you face legal and regu­la­tory chal­lenges, we provide you with secu­rity, reli­a­bility, and predictability. 

Rechtsberatung für Startups und KMUs Schweiz
Rechtsberatung für Tech Unternehmen Schweiz

How we work

  • Reli­able support on your busi­ness journey
  • Forma­tion – Financing – Orga­ni­za­tion – Legal Compliance
  • We work on specific issues under a mandate or on-site with you as your legal counsel
  • Exper­tise combined with a strong sense of iden­ti­fi­ca­tion and moti­va­tion for our clients, on equal terms, from entre­pre­neur to entrepreneur
  • Results: Solu­tions tailored to your specific needs
  • Fees: Trans­parent and flex­ible from the outset
  • Our service overview illus­trates the breadth of our services.

Your Bene­fits

Our ability is:

  • Solu­tion-oriented
  • Timely
  • Inter­dis­ci­pli­nary

Our conduct is:

  • Socially compe­tent and personal
  • Proac­tive
  • Prag­matic

Our network:
We are well-connected both in terms of exper­tise and on a national and inter­na­tional level, enabling us to also connect our clients!

Firmengründung Schweiz

We work closely together in a network of inter­dis­ci­pli­nary specialists.

Our part­ners

Any ques­tions left?

Contact us for more information

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